It was a bit of a drive up to Wapakoneta for Emily and John’s wedding but very worth it. They had a perfect day and some really great locations for it all. Their family church, where her sister got married a few years earlier, was where they had the ceremony and we got the cute pic of them and their parents kissing. We headed to a friends house just up the street for the Corvette shots and spent the last half downtown. We even got to hit the local bar for a shot (the liquid kind) before the reception at The Palazzo. My favorite spot though was the abandoned train stop with the old blue door, Awesome pick Emily! Everyone we worked with was so nice and really wanted to make sure we had fun too! Thank you so much for your hospitality, Emily and John – You guys sure can throw a party! -Nick Click here to view all the images and purchase prints or download files. Click here to download their custom photo app to your smartphone or tablet.