We had the amazing opportunity to shoot Audrey and Phillip in Urbana, Ohio a couple weeks ago. What a fantastic, beautiful and perfect wedding. I’ve loved working with Audrey and Philip since we first met at the studio well over a year ago. Their E-Session was one of the most unique I’ve done in years (we only went to places I’d never shot before, places that meant a lot to them) so I was certainly looking forward to doing their wedding in a City I’ve never shot in too. It was well put by their Uncle that married them – Classic. It was a classic day and they just wanted to be with eachotehr and their families, nothing else mattered and everything else was second. They had picked out a couple exvellent places for me to shoot with them too so my job was pretty easy, great locations, great couple, great families. It doesnt get any better! Thank you for one of my most favorite weddings I’ve ever been a part of Audrey and Philip! It was FANTASTIC! -Nick Click here to view all their images and share them to Facebook. Click here from your mobile device to download their custom photo app and share. Click here to view their Wedding Film full screen on Vimeo or watch it above in full HD